
February 27, 2012

Word Art - Part 2

Last week I posted some word art that I had created for our bathroom redo.  It was my first attempt, and as I mentioned in that post I love how it turned out.  :)

With my paint colour now chosen (so excited!), I need to get a move on the rest of the room.  I am creating two more pieces of word art to go along with this one here.

I've chosen these three verses:
          • Psalm 19:14 - "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you LORD my rock and my Redeemer."
          • Psalm 107:1 - "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."
          • Psalm 118:24 - "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!" 
I want to wake up to something cheerful and uplifting; something to give me encouragement for the day, and to remind me to praise God for all that he has blessed me with.  I appreciate too how these Psalms comfort me with the assurance of his unchanging love.

And so, here is 'Part 2' of my three-part word art installment:
The fonts I used in both of these prints do not have a colon, and not-so-conveniently, the program I was using would not allow me to change the font of just one character (so that a colon could appear).  Shucks!  I plan to just pencil it in.  No biggie.

Anyhoo, I'll share the third print next week, and then I'll make them all available for download.  :)

Remember:  His love endures forever!

I plan to link up to these great blogs:

1 comment:

  1. I would love for you to link up at my Linky Party via:

    Mrs. Delightful


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