
February 25, 2012

Baby Hip-Thrusting & Cleansing

We celebrated my mother-in-law's 50th birthday this evening.  What a fantastic group of people we had there!  She seemed so thrilled with the surprise.  :)  

Baby J was in all his glory: four little girls to chase after and dance with.  His latest thing to do when the music plays is a little hip-thrust dance move while sitting on his bum.  Oh goodness...he sure strutted his stuff tonight!  He is a baby dancing machine.  (And I am a proud momma!)

And, in light of Lent....I left the party a little hungry.

I decided to do a 10-day cleanse beginning on the first day of Lent.


Day Four.

I am craving EVERYTHING.  Okay, not everything....I am craving everything 'junky.'  Hot chocolate, BBQ chips, chocolate chip cookies, pancakes, birthday cake, pop (i.e. soda), macaroni and cheese....mmmmm....macaroni and cheese.  I LOVE macaroni and cheese - especially the homemade macaroni and cheese that I made last night for my boys.  I was in some sort of serious agony watching them eat it without me.

But it is day four.

Six days remain.

Since Lent lasts for 40 days, I think that 'part two' of my Lenten experience may be to cleanse my mind.  I'm not quite sure what that would look like, but I like the idea.  Then perhaps my heart (spiritually, not physically of course), and then perhaps my home.  I could spend 10 days in each area.

Four areas that need cleansing:
1.  My Body
2.  My Mind
3.  My Heart
4.  My Home

I have definitely reflected a lot on my personal habits over the last four days.  

Day One:  I realized how often I just put food into my mouth.  I had to actually stop myself several times throughout the day.  Baby J drops a piece of food, it apparently goes into my mouth.  Baby J doesn't finish his entire meal, apparently I help.  I make food for my family, apparently I snack while that happens.  I feel distracted, apparently I reach for food.  That's a LOT of unnecessary snacking!

Day Two:  Goodness what a physically-draining day.  I just prayed for strength.  I was TIRED.  And agitated.  Not good.  Food-wise, I felt more in control.

Day Three:  I was surprisingly not hungry today.  I felt a little more in control of my emotions and actions.  Food did not bother me so much.

Day Four:  I am hurtin' tonight.  Craving, craving, craving.  A little sleep might do me well.  

Hopefully tomorrow will be easier.  And after that I'm half-way through!

If anyone is interested, I am following what's called "The Master Cleanse" (or to some, "The Lemonade Diet").  

It is tough, but great!

Sweet dreams my friends.  :)

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