
March 6, 2012

Busy, Busy!

My best friend sent me a lovely message yesterday:

" must be getting bogged down with birthday stuff because I don't see any new blog posts!  Thinking of you! me to chat sometime when you are not running around like crazy!"

Dearest best friend, I am thinking of you too!  And wonder if there will ever be a time when you and I are not "running around like crazy."


Note: "You AND I."  

(It must be a teacher thing...running around like crazy...)

The truth is, yes I am a little "bogged down" with birthday stuff, but happily so!

My little family of three has been busy.  Birthday plans are coming along well and I cannot wait to share  those details over the next weeks.  There are also some redecorating plans in action, "women's night" at church to plan for, and crafts to make, games to play, books to read, and walks to take!

I love my life!

And to prove that yes, I am HAPPY and not running myself dry (cutting, pasting, sewing and baking are all happy, happy things!) is a happy family photo from my mother-in-law's 50th.  

(Ah, Baby J with your finger in your mouth.)

Best friend, I shall call you later.  :)

Everyone else...

Have a fantastic day!

1 comment:

  1. sure does look like one happy family!! Can't complain about being super busy around your bday!


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