
March 24, 2012


I love listening to Baby J as he falls asleep.

*suck, suck, suck*


*suck, suck, suck*

*pause* little thumbsucker!  

"Now I lay me down to sleep...."

J pressed bunny's foot to replay the prayer it recites.


*suck, suck, suck*

I love the smile on his face when he finally lays down after our bedtime routine.

Arms down at his sides (unless his left thumb finds it way home), head turned toward me, cutest little tired grin stretching from ear to ear.

Hubby loves when we finish his bedtime routine and stand up to put J into bed, how he lunges toward his crib.  When that child is tired, he is tired!

So many things to love.  

It's nice how we can love bedtime too.

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