
May 24, 2012

Project: Week-at-a-Glance

My weekly visual organizer is DONE!  From all of the fantastic ideas I discovered, I decided that I appreciated the simplicity of this one found at the Silhouette Blog:

I started out by painting the frame of my board.  This is paint that I've actually purchased for another project...waiting to happen (soon!).

I used the same shape as above, which is found in the Silhouette online store.  If you click on "source," you can read step-by-step how the shape was actually adjusted for cutting.  I also altered the size of my shape to fit on my board and then had my Silhouette machine cut out seven polka-dotted 'tags' for me - one for each day of the week!

I used the "Smiley Monster" font (available for free download here) to create "this week:" and a small elephant punch by Martha Stewart for a little extra something near the bottom.

I plan to pin a weekly bible memory verse under the elephant...something to keep me a little more accountable.

The white sheet on the bottom left lists all of the little projects that I've had on my mind over the last year or so.  Yes, there are a LOT...over 100 of them.  Honestly, I really need help in taming the chaos of my mind!!  

I'm excited to start using this each week to organize my thoughts, ideas, and plans!  I think that I may also tack some ribbon on the back and hang this little beauty from the wall.  

{1 down, 134 to go...EEK!}

Happy Crafting!


  1. Hi Yvonne: I'm a new GFC friend. I would love it if you stop by, and be mine, too. I just love sticky kids, after a Your board is adorable, I need something to keep track of my ideas, they so scattered. Thanks for sharing, I love those tiny clothes pins. I just bought some.

    1. Thanks Connie! I'm heading over there right now. :) (Aren't the clothespins adorable? I had previously used them in an activity for kindergarten; they've been repurposed well!)

  2. This is a really good idea-I try writing things in a tiny binder planner but I still end up forgetting. I've been putting sticky notes on the fridge which helps-but this idea is much prettier-and love the bible verse reminder too :)

    1. I bought a tiny binder recently and still haven't put it to good use. I'm hoping that this in-your-face visual will be a little more helpful! Sticky notes on the fridge are great too (especially for little love notes). :)

  3. This is a wonderful idea! And SOOO cute! We'd love for you to come share your ideas with us at our link party this weekend! -The Sisters

  4. This is terrific I will forward it to my daughter to use for our grandchildren. Hopping over from the newbie party XO


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