
May 27, 2012

Sunday: A Few of My Favourite Things

A few of my favourite things this past week:

1.  Trying to get Baby J to look at the camera, and in the process, looking away myself.  At least my growing ponytail looks cute!

2.  My boys.

3.  Construction outside our front window that entertained Baby J all day long!

4.  Mr. vL praying for Baby J to sleep through the noise of the construction...he did.

5.  Fruity frozen dessert that is finger lickin' good!

6.  Concentration.

7.  Our GIGANTIC rhubarb plant.  

8.  Going for a walk with a friend while our two boys hold hands from their strollers.

9.  Reading with Baby J and Mr. vL's teddy.  :)

Happy Sunday!

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