
May 23, 2012

I'm Baaaack!

Birthday parties, church events, and everyday busyness had my mind spinning in circles, and so with some sadness, I closed down "vonnylein" to take a much-needed break.  

After several months though, I realized how much I missed writing!  I miss the community of crafters, mommies, and God-loving ladies, as well as the opportunity to share bits of my life with family and friends that they may not otherwise have the chance to see and experience.

And so, I am back.  *happy dance!*

I'm sure that bits and pieces of those past quiet months will trickle out through various blog posts; however, I thought I could start off with an introduction to a little project that I've been working on for far too long now.

We shall call it: Taming the Chaos of My Mind!  

I decided one day that I needed a way to visually display (perhaps only in words) projects that I am attempting to accomplish.  My hope is that this will ultimately keep me accountable to FINISHING something!

Here are some fancy-dancy ideas that I found through Pinterest.  Ahhh....the beauty of organization.

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Tomorrow I will share which design I chose to go with, and how I tweaked it to fit my personal taste.

Happy Wednesday!

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