
February 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday :: My Boys

When I first started perusing blogs online (before "vonnylein" was created), I was very much drawn to the idea of a 'wordless' post, where the writer posts a particular photo that holds significant meaning in their life at that moment in time.  It is such a simple, yet beautiful presentation of their reality.

While I do not consider myself a 'photographer,' I am proud to say that I am a joyful 'taker of pictures.'  And with all of the wonderful little moments that fill my day, I am sometimes lucky enough to capture that one perfect photo that makes my heart truly smile.

I like things that make my heart smile.  "Wordless Wednesday" works for me.  

So here is it, "Wordless Wednesday #1."

(Oh, and to my family...for the record, since I can sometimes be such a 'babbling brook,' "Wordless Wednesday," may not always be wordless.)

Happy Wednesday!

Linking to:
The Paper MamaLive and Love Out LoudProject AliciaSpilled MilkshakeMama to 4 Blessings


  1. Awww, what a cute picture!! I love it!

    Thanks for linking up to the WW hop!!

    Spilled Milkshake

    1. Thanks Christina - it was fun to choose one of my favourites of last week. (Of course, I forgot this week - oops!)

  2. I don't think I have ever managed to do a Wordless Wednesday and have it actually be Wordless all together lol. We can try though right?

    I am popping in from the W.W. hop and I am now a new follower! Happy Hopping!

    1. I might try for an actual wordless post next week. If I have at least one under my belt, than I may not worry about the future posts having words. ;) Thanks for stopping by!


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