
February 7, 2012

'Sunday': A Few of My Favourite Things

The excitement of the Super Bowl kept me from posting this past week's edition of "A Few of My Favourite Things" in a more timely fashion.  What a busy, busy week!  As I began to write this post, the New York Giants had just won the 46th Super Bowl.  I cannot tell you who I was cheering for though, because well, let's be honest, I was cheering for the commercials!  (Sadly though, Canadian commercials pale in comparison to American commercials...I will have to look those up on youtube).

This past week,

1.  I finished painting our basement walls (more on that later!)  ... I cannot believe that this took me over a month to finish!

2.  We enjoyed our niece's 3rd birthday.  Have a look at the princess cape I made for her.  

3.  Baby J strutted his stuff in his Mother-Ease Cloth Diaper!  (BEST cloth diaper EVER....check them out!)

4.  My daddy stopped by with Wendy's chili for lunch.  Mmmmmm....yummy!

5.  Bible Study.  We are studying The Five Love Languages.  Last week we discussed "Words of Affirmation" and had agreed to write some words to each member in our group.  While I admire SO many things in each woman of our group, I did find it somewhat difficult to write these things out on paper.  It was a good lesson for me.

6.  Girls' Morning: curly hair and pretty make-up.  I wish I had taken a photo!!!!  Melissa, you did such a fantastic job.  One day I will find the patience to do my hair as beautiful as you did it...until then, you are fully welcome to come over every morning to do it for me!!  HAHA!

7.  Handsome hubby installed a fan for his best friend's parents.  (You are so talented...).

8.  My 'partner in crime' in the 'Green Clothing' Challenge visited for the morning.  We chatted the entire time that Baby J napped.  Later that week she dropped off some of her old clothing for me to try on.  Some of it fit perfectly (especially the bathing suit - and I had JUST been saying to my husband how I wanted a stylish one-piece for the summer).  Now it's my turn to go through my closet...this is always hard for me to do, but I know that it's time to part with some of those shirts that I haven't worn in two years, but am still convinced that I will "wear it one day."

9.  Baby J played with his cousins at my brother-in-law's house during the first half of the Super Bowl.  I love how babies gravitate to one another.

10.  J also gravitated to one of the baby's at church in the nursery, trying to hug and kiss him all over.  What an adorable spectacle.  

Have a fantastic week!

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