
February 1, 2012

The 'Green Clothing' Challenge

Baby J napped for 2 hours and 45 minutes this morning.  ALMOST THREE HOURS!!!  Goodness gracious, it was a long time.  But it definitely was not quiet in my house during that time.  A good friend of mine came over for the morning/early afternoon to have tea and chat.  And by "chat" I really mean giggle and discuss and 'get serious.'  While we do tend to chat about girly things (as girly as two non-girly women can get...we were both makeup-free and had air-dried hair this morning), we often positively challenge and encourage one another on various topics.  This is good!

Today, after covering nearly ever topic possible, from trusting God in the 'darkness' to farting (yes, I said "farting"), my friend suggested an idea she had recently dreamed up.

We try very hard to live 'green' in many aspects of our lives; however, we unfortunately still lead very consumer-driven lives.  And so, a personal challenge was born today:

"No new clothing for a year."

(Repeat: no new clothing for an entire year.)

Let me explain our project/challenge...

  • That we learn to be content with what we have
  • That we learn to consume less
  • That we are aware when we do consume
  • That we hone new skills such as sewing and alterations
  • That we become more creative
  • That we de-clutter our lives, simplify
  • To reduce our "ecological footprint"
  1. Specialty items are permissible to buy new if actually needed.  This includes bras, underwear, socks, and bathing suits
  2. All other items (shirts, blouses, sweaters, pants, capris, shorts, skirts, dresses, etc.) cannot be purchased new.  This may include such items as: shoes, scarves, purses, hats etc.
    • "New" is defined as an original purchase from a store
  3. Clothing may be accepted as gifts from others (however, not requested)
  4. Clothing may be accepted as hand-me-downs
  5. Clothing may be purchased second-hand
  6. Fabric may be purchased to create new clothing
    • Preferred fabric is second-hand
    • Secondary preference of fabric on sale
I am very excited to be sharing this challenge with my friend, and will be inviting her to share her experiences throughout the year, as well as sharing my own.  

Wish us luck as we learn to live 'greener' lives and wear 'greener' clothing!

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