
June 3, 2012

Sunday: A Few of My Favourite Things

1.  Letting Baby J play on the counter: he created a utensil 'forest' on our drying rack.  :)

2.  My sleeping babe.

3.  Opa and Baby J together.

4.  Watching Baby J drink his morning milk while standing at the coffee table.

5.  Spending a full day teaching kindergarten...then hearing from our babysitter that J signed "please" for her at breakfast.  YAY!

6.  'Arguing' with Mr. vL about whether Baby J's tooth has come through or not.  ;)

7.  Baby J standing confidently on his own Friday evening.  THEN, watching him dance at church, completely unassisted!

8.  Watching Baby J WALK for the first time tonight!!!!

What an eventful week we had!

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