
May 29, 2012

Baby Shower: Invitations

My sister-in-law is expecting her second (another girl!) in August, and I was given the honour of creating her baby shower invitations.  (There was never a formal shower thrown for her first pregnancy, so my mother-in-law is putting one on for her this time around - so thoughtful!)

As I put the finishing touches on her invites, I'm remembering the excitement that I felt as Baby J grew and grew and grew in my tummy....all 9 lbs. 7 oz. of baby boy by the end.  

Two of my most favourite friends from high school threw a baby shower for me, and I (*cough cough*), the Type-A person that I am, helped to design my own invitations (*hangs head in shame*).  Yes, I know...I'm terrible.  But creating the little details of party invitations are one of my favourite things to do, and these girls know it.  So they only razzed me a little, and then took over the rest of the party details once the invites were out.  And let me tell you, they did a phenomenal job!

So before I reveal later this week the cute little invites for my sister-in-law, I thought it would be fun to share what we three girls created in honour of Baby J.  

Happy Party Planning!

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