
March 9, 2012

{DIY} Toy Crate Covers!!

Two months ago I created these labels: Cars & Trucks, Music and Animals

At that time I also snuck off with three very ugly-looking, well-used milk crates; two from my father-in-law, and one from the basement (thank you hubby for letting me empty it for my own purposes!)

I had purchased three lovely bits of fabric (see above - SO cute!), and had such great intentions of sewing covers for my most unfortunate-looking crates.


Time passed.

Other projects came and went.

Baby J made a lot of beautiful messes (and many not-so-beautiful messes too)....

And then finally it was time to clean up the mess.

(The beautiful mess, not the not-so-beautiful mess....those get cleaned every few hours).

I present to you a small organizing victory!

Covered Toy Crates!

I used the fantastic tutorial for "The Undercover Crate" found here, altered it to fit my crate, and worked until they were complete!  

The toy labels will be added once Baby J realizes that food is for eating and toys are for playing, not the other way around.

I am really enjoying the extra pop of colour in our living room, as well as the organization factor...but mostly the colour.  :)

Create your 'space' and love it!

I plan to link up to these great blogs:

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