
January 5, 2012

Two Drumsticks and a Baby

Since Baby J was 5 1/2 months old, we have followed "Baby-Led Weaning."  This simply means that we 'never' spoon-fed him cereals or purees.  Baby J explored food and ate what we were eating, right from the start.  (I say 'never' because we tried rice cereal for three days and then decided that it wasn't for us.)  Since our decision to use BLW with J, he has fed himself - and with great success! 

We have found BLW to be very rewarding in regards to the foods that J is willing to try and continues to eat, as well as how excited he is about mealtime and feeding himself.  

Tonight we had chicken wings and drumsticks with veggies. 

Here is J double-fisting his drumsticks.  He cleaned off one drumstick right down to the bone!  He also enjoyed being able to gnaw on the bone.  This is a great plus since he seems to be getting four teeth in all at once (long, sleepless nights!!)

In this photo, J is coincidentally eying the chicken/rooster chime hanging in our kitchen (a little reminder of my farm country roots).

Happy Thursday!

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