
December 23, 2011

Making Lists.

I love making lists.  Grocery lists.  Cleaning lists.  Lists for Christmas presents, birthday presents, and birthday parties.  General to-do lists.  Crafting to-do.  Journalling.  Teaching ideas.  Organizing.  Lists about music.  Lists about places to go and people to see.

Sometimes I add things to my lists that I've already completed so that I can cross it off and feel accomplished!

Yesterday I made a to-do list while J and I had breakfast.  Throughout the day, in true Yvonne fashion, I added things to my lists that I completed but were not originally on my list.  By the end of the day, here is what it looked like:

✔ - make cookies
✔ - clean kitchen
✔ - prepare for dinner
    - vacuum downstairs
    - vacuum upstairs
    - wash kitchen floor
    - clean bathroom
    - wash bathroom floor
✔ - health and safety training
✔ - wrap Sue/Sandy's gifts
✔ - fold laundry
✔ - hang diapers to dry
✔ - wrap Agnes' present
✔ - tidy bedroom
✔ - run/shower
✔ - write blog post
✔ - package cookies

(Usually I meticulously scribble out each item as I complete it - yesterday I wanted my husband to see all the things I was able to silly!)

It isn't too difficult to notice what I left out yesterday.

If I have the choice, that always gets left out.

I'll try again today.

It's just that housecleaning and I don't get along so well.  Playing with J, making crafts, baking cookies, and playing the piano are always more interesting!  I did clean the toilet however.  I felt quite accomplished after that!

Right now Baby J is pulling all of his books off the shelve and inspecting them one by one.  Oh, how I love this child!  He also has a booger hanging from his nose.  Delicious.

Happy Friday!!  I'm off to wipe boogers and read books.

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