
December 11, 2011

How to Make a Christmas Banner

Friday night, the hubs was off for his bowling/pizza work party, so I was home alone with little J. Once he was tucked snugly in bed, I began searching for Christmas photography ideas as one of the girls from church was coming Saturday afternoon to do our first Christmas family photo shoot! I came across a few that used "Merry Christmas" bunting in the background and thought that it would be fun to create a similar version for little J to pose in front of. I already had some burlap on hand that my dad and I had purchased together earlier in the week at the local farm supply store, and always have a plethora of random coloured fabrics due to my obsession with pretty fabric, so I figured I could whip something up in no time.

Should you be interested in creating something similar for your own Christmas photos, here's how I did it:


Computer/Printer (unless you plan to freehand your letters)
Pen (for tracing letters)
Burlap (or similar fabric)
Fabric Scraps
Wide Ribbon
Sewing Machine

1. In a word processing program, choose a 'chunky' font that you like and type out your word in LARGE letters.
I chose a font called "My Own Tropher" in bold, size 300.

2. Print your document on heavy paper (card stock).
3. Cut out each letter.

4. Turn your selected fabrics right-side down and place your letters on the fabric, backwards.
5. Trace around your letters.

6. Cut out your letters once they have been traced.

7. Place your letters right-side up onto the burlap and pin in place.
8. Using coordinating thread, straight stitch the letters into place.
Do not worry about being 'perfect' (Yes, I know that's hard for us 'Type A' folk out there!)

9. Cut triangular shapes around the letters to create the pendants.
10. Fold the ribbon over the top of the pendants and pin into place.
(Sorry, I forgot to take a photo of this step!!)
11. Sew the ribbon/burlap 'sandwich' together. (I found that a zigzag stitch worked well.)
12. Admire your Christmas banner!


Photos of the banner in use to come....

(*Note: I did not use any fusible material such as "Wonder Under" on my fabric letters - looking back, it would have make the sewing portion of the project easier as the fabric would have been more sturdy.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are a Christmas crafting genius! So glad I found your project via Centsational Girl.

    Please stop by for a visit to my blog. I am currently in the midst of a Gifts to Make series.

    Be Merry and Bright!


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