
December 31, 2011

" Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes"

As a child, I did not like change.

I remember coming home from summer camp one year and my mom had put a new sheet set on my bed.  

I cried!  She of course obliged and put the old sheets back on the bed for me.

But now as an adult, I seem to crave change.

Every several weeks my husband and I are rearranging, painting, organizing, purging, or renovating.

For example, since Baby J was born 9 months ago, we have rearranged our living room FIVE times.  (I think I am finally happy with our latest arrangement!)

It seems that whenever we have downtime, something exciting happens.

So it comes as no surprise that over our Christmas holidays, we decided to repaint and begin renovating our basement 'TV Room.'  It is the one room in our house that we haven't done much too.  In four years, it has gotten a fresh coat of paint, some new comfy couches, and an Ikea bookcase.  But beyond that, it really is just a room with some random furniture in it.

I'm excited for what we've decided to do, and as the room is completed over the next weeks, I'll share some of the changes we've made.

To start....I decided to be BOLD and paint two of the walls in a bluish-turquoise colour.

In 24 hours, we went from nothing, to deciding to paint, to choosing a paint colour, to painting, and finally admiring.  

Here is what we had to work with:
(It's hard to admire the randomness without seeing the old shelf that was made from the corner of an old purple table top....yes, RANDOM!)

Here is what the adjacent wall became:
(The following day I decided to paint the wall to the left as was not part of the original 'game plan.')

Those two little boxes of original paint remaining on either side of the window are where my husband had to fill in some old holes.  We really couldn't wait for the putty to dry!

I'm excited to share the next change with you!!

Happy New Years Eve!

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